A Review...

Here's a link to a wonderful review of Venkat and Friends on Swarajya. I'm so excited that I wanted to share a few excerpts below:

A thread that runs through the book is that most problems that children of this generation face are also problems that the adults would have faced in their own times in their own ways. By reaching out to positive and healthy memories associated with those problems, we can actually empathise with our own children.
This book will kindle in the child the desire to have parents like the Nanna and Amma of Venkat – who talk to the children and understand their problems and correct them ever so sweetly but firmly, with values and wisdom of the family. Really, this cute little book is a book for all families.

It's an honour for a first time author to receive such a wonderful review. I'm so glad that Venkat is out in the world making new friends. I can't wait to see what else he sends back!

You can support The Purple Bean by buying the book on Amazon or Notion Press (use the code PBWEB for 15% off).

Please stay tuned for Part II...