Creative Corner

Creative Corner Jul 15, 2021

Here are some great submissions from readers.

Let's start with Pooja Sri's doodles. She writes:

Hi Aunty,
Hope you are fine. This is Pooja Sri, writing from my mother's mail. I liked your stories. Venkat and the kittens' story is very interesting. I also like pets like Venkat. but my mother and father too do not want to keep pets at home. Venkat is like me. Like Venkat, I too have a little sister, Keerthi, who is always behind me.
I'm attaching my doodle art drawings., I watched videos on youtube and drew all these. Please publish these on the creative corner.

Aren't they amazing? If you'd like to try these doodles too, here are some links: first, second, third. Do try them out and send us your photos to!

Here is some more art:

That's it for this week. Please keep the submissions flowing in! Our team is growing and we will definitely put up all submissions in the very next week. You can email to:


The Purplebean
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